As part of our environmental services, oil sludge treatment is an important element. Constantly ensuring that our service is in line with local regulations has allowed us to become a reliable service provider in this field.
Environmental Services wgweg
Oil Sludge Treatment

- Effective and efficient intervention
- Efficient design and right choice of chemical
- Mobilisation to any remote location
- Trained and experienced teams
- Entire cycle of operations within the project
- Mobile installations that can be relocated easily
Treatment of Sludge From:
- Pits, lagoons, impoundments
- API separators
- Oily water discharges
- Tank cleaning sludges
As part of our environmental services, oil sludge treatment is an important element. Constantly ensuring that our service is in line with local regulations has allowed us to become a reliable service provider in this field.
- Dewatering
- Incineration
- Stabilisation